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 Maritime Labour
Maritime Labour
Upholding MLC, 2006
Maritime Labour Convention
The Liberian Registry implements and enforces maritime Labour standards including issuing the Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance (DMLC) Part I, reviewing the DMLC Part II, resolution of seafarers’ complaints, and auditing and certification of Seafarer Recruitment and Placement Services (SRPS) operating in States that are not a party to the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC, 2006).

FR MLC-012-01 Liberian DMLC-II

Annual Report on inspection activities under Standard A5.1.4.13 of MLC, 2006 is available upon request from the Administration. Please contact MLC@liscr.com for a copy.
Vessel MLC Certification
The Liberian Registry is the only Registry to provide MLC, 2006 ship verification and certification services through its own professionally trained global network of auditors. These same lead auditors also perform a large percentage of The Liberian Registry unique Harmonized Audits, which include the Annual Flag State Inspection, ISM, and ISPS verifications for the Liberian Registry fleet, providing owners and operators with leading quality service in a single ship visit. All certificates are verifiable online.
Seafarer Recruitment & Placement Certification
The Liberian Registry has also trained its own global network of auditors to conduct certification audits of companies providing seafarer recruitment and placement services that are not certified by the seafarer’s national government.
Special Compliance Services
Special compliance services are available to conduct gap analysis to assist shipowners determine the status of compliance of their vessels and implementation of MLC regulations and standards.
MLC Block Fee Agreements
The Liberian Registry has devised a block fee concept for MLC verification inspections and certifications. Owners and operators have the option to pay individually for specific MLC services or they can enter into a MLC Block Fee Agreement (BFA), which will result in significant financial savings. Services provided for in The Liberian Registry MLC BFA include:
  • DMLC Review, Approval and Unlimited Amendments
  • Initial and Intermediate MLC Inspections & Certification
  • Annual Support and PSC Protection
Resolution Of Seafarer Complaints
The Liberian Registry is committed to ensuring that seafarers who serve onboard Liberian registered ships have decent working and living conditions, a safe and secure work place, and fair employment. Seafarers are encouraged to utilize the ship’s on board Complaint Procedures in order to resolve complaints at the lowest level possible in accordance with MLC 2006. However, in the event a complaint cannot be resolved on board, The Liberian Registry provides an online complaint form, and will assist seafarers to resolve their claims.

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